Judy's Jermyn
"Art goes both ways. Writers tell stories and think they mean one thing.
Readers take stories into their own lives and they mean something else." ~ Neil Gaiman
Thinking of writing your memoir?
One of the suggestions for a new writer working on a memoir is: Read, read, read as many memoirs as possible. During the last two years, I've read 5 dozen or so memoirs and the commonality is that each is unique. Quite unique. As the months passed, my love for the genre heightened and I found myself preferring memoirs over the fiction mysteries of younger days.

I attended Jerry's seminar in Colorado when he presented at our local critique group. Kudos to Jerry for his enthusiasm and encouragement which started me on the journey to write Calico Lane.
If you've ever thought about putting your story on paper, click onto Jerry's website and start today!
As a member of the NAMW my memoir writing journey included participation in the teleseminars, workshops, classes, and coaching sessions by Linda Joy Meyers and Brooke Warner and others. NAMW has a great FB page that allows tapping into a diverse assembly of memoir writers.
Some ask me why I didn't go with traditional publishing.
I did attempt the agent-query-get-a-book-deal dance. Going through the process was not something I regretted, even though I was unsuccessful with landing an agent, where patience and time is the number one requirement. Linda Predovsky of "Deliver Your Book" presented numerous courses where I learned how to write a book proposal, and how to query agents. Linda provides one-on-one coaching sessions as well as opportunities to connect with other writers breaking into the traditional publishing world. Linda's enthusiasm kept me engaged for several months. The lessons and coaching sessions aided me with the overall structure of my memoir. Follow Linda on FaceBook or click here for her website.