Judy's Jermyn
Staged Works
I've always enjoyed live theater productions, and volunteering for the backstage crew at a local amateur theater had me wondering if I'd be able to write a one-act.
I purchased a book (pictured below) and adapted one of my short stories, The Photo Album to Some Angels Play Checkers, a one-act play. There was no going back!
Kathleen E. George gives plenty of
examples with easy-to-follow techniques beginning with simple scenes to one-acts and longer works.
All that is needed is imagination and a little bit of luck!

Work in Process
a new one-act
Bring Salt When You Visit
An immersive celebration: The Hotel Olympian 100th Anniversary Gala Extravaganza
Due to COVID 19 a radio play took the place of scheduled live performances
Click onto the buttons to enjoy tidbits of my Staged Works