Judy's Jermyn
How to Post a Review on Amazon
1) Sign into your Amazon account (Amazon requires that you have purchased at least $50 worth of products within the past year before you are able to leave a customer review.)
2) In the Search Amazon field at the top of the page, type "Calico Lane by Judy Kiehart"
3) Click on the book cover's image
4) Scroll down past Editorial Reviews and Product Details to Customer Reviews
5) See "Review this product"
6) Click on "Write a customer review"
7) Select overall star rating (1 is lowest, 5 is highest)
8) Type a headline
9) Add a written review (tell what you liked or didn’t like about the book -- it does not have to be long, unless you choose)
10) Press SUBMIT
Ta Da!
How to Post a Review on Goodreads
1) Sign into your Goodreads account (they are free)
2) At the top search bar, at "Search books" type in the name of the book
3) At the "want to read" box, click the down arrow and click on "READ"
4) A window will appear with the name of the book and its author
5) A prompt will ask for a star rating (again, 1 is lowest, 5 is highest)
6) Under "What did you think" you can comment
7) Scroll down and enter the date you finished reading and the estimated start date
8) Scroll down a bit and press the 'POST' button
Ta Da!
Thank you!