Judy Kiehart
Author & Playwright
Judy's Jermyn
On stage December 11, 2022
Lost Lake Low Life Community Theater,
1456 Reservation Road, SE, Olympia
Sisters reminisce about a Christmas present they gifted their mother when they were children during the 1950s. Jane, the eldest, has recently passed and -- as a spirit -- joins her two younger sisters, adding to the remembrances. Humorous anecdotes of childhood show how a simple knick-knack provided decades of memories and kept a family connected.
Length: 15 minutes
Time and Place: a few days before Christmas. Present Day. Beth's
kitchen in Pennsylvania. Tina is visiting Beth for the holidays.
Characters (all in mid-sixties to early-seventies)
Jane: eldest sister, spirit form, mischievous
Tina: middle sister
Beth: youngest sister
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Some behind-the-scenes images from LEON. WOW! An amazing performance that had me in tears at its end. KUDOs to this wonderful community theater, and a sincere thank you for an early Christmas gift of LEON on stage for the 2022 holiday.
Door Prizes for ticket holders: home- made fudge and the grand prize was a box of candies from the good ol' days!
Rebecca captured the whimsical oldest sister, Jane.
Cast of LEON and The Christmas Truce.
Kathi as 'Beth' and Barbara as 'Tina' were convincing siblings.