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The Mid-1990s


Thirty years ago, America Online chat

rooms provided the means for as many as two dozen users to come together in real-time to share common interests. Baby-boomers experimented with chat rooms by venturing into the forerunner of today's Social Media. 



How far will anonymity

protect those in search

for Love on Line?








MIKE PALMER – A mid-40ish man, with little interests, married to Debbie.

JOE – Mike’s new best buddy, about ten years younger. A guy who will do, try, and say anything.

DEBBIE – Enrolled in college classes, works a fulfilling job – wonders what attracted her to Mike.

SWEET KISSES – The on-line, other woman – voice only.



run time: approx. 30 minutes


That's why chat rooms are so popular!  It’s a chance to say stuff you couldn’t get away with in person, you know, especially being married and all. It’s just a lot of fun.



Where are these chat rooms?



Who knows, probably in someone’s basement.






Noooooo. Shit, Mike, you’re in your house, these other people are in their houses. The chat room is in the air somewhere, wherever it is, it's not important. Here, now pay attention. See, if you click this, you can read this lady’s profile. Just like anyone can read yours.

LOL has received two honorable mentions in One Act Play competitions.


It has not yet been staged.


all rights reserved



A One-Act Play

All content is ©2020 Judy's Jermyn. All Rights Reserved.

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