September was a super busy month, and I'm excited to say something fun is on the horizon. I am launching a new version of Calico Lane. That's right, a new version with a new cover...the text won't change, but photographs will be featured inside this version.
The original cover is dear to my heart because it is the entrance to the Calico Lane neighborhood. Critics have told me the cover only has meaning to those who are connected to Jermyn. The greater percentage of sales have been in that area of the country. I'm sure I'll box up a dozen of the first version books to keep on hand 'just in case.'
Through the new cover design process, I'm learning much about how each item on the cover is its own layer. Selecting from the diverse range of styles, elements, fonts, colors, and understanding the 'golden ratio of design' are but a few of the many challenges. It's been fun. I'm not planning to come out of retirement to design book covers, I'm just working for a marketable cover that will pop!
I'm excited about Calico Lane's new version and hope to launch it early in 2025. So here's a contest for you: Use the contact form on my website to tell me what you envision for a new cover. Your guess should include the main color and at least ONE element that is scheduled to appear on the new cover (ie a car would be an element) The first person to guess most accurately will receive a signed copy of the new book. That's exciting!

The second escapade on the horizon is my second book---now with BETA readers. You'll have to wait for more information as we approach the launch date sometime in June 2025. One BETA reader did say this about the book, "Each story has its own life...there is enough diversity with smooth transitions."
Along with the excitement of a new book, is another contest. The contest: Spread the word about my writing and encourage your friends to sign up to receive my monthly posts. When your friend completes the Contact Form, be sure they write your name in the message area. The person who signs up the most new readers by the end of 2024 will be considered the winner and will receive a signed copy of my second book.
Be ready for some new adventures in storytelling!
Keep watching my Facebook site or my website.
And, thank you for your continued support.