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Brace yourself for some fun reading!


"Listen the Board is Talking" and "Girl Crushes" PLUS the stories that inspired my short plays will be among the 20+ short reads featured in Mixed Shorts.

A complete reading experience with varied themes and genres!​​​​​​​


Short Stories

Whenever someone read a short story I wrote, it was guaranteed they'd ask, "How do you know how many words for your story?"


I suppose my best answer was, "When the story is finished, you count the words. And that would be the number you needed for your story." Now, however, I understand that there are more than one 'kind' of short story.


One of my favorite sites, in the New York Times,                                    , manages to lighten our hearts, with 100 word or less love stories.  




 2,500 - 5,000 words


Definitions for the SHORT STORY


A story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and

less elaborate than a novel - Oxford Dictionary


An invented prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with a few characters

and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of

mood rather than plot - Merriam-Webster


500 - 2,500 words

Definition for a SHORT-SHORT STORY


A very short piece of prose fiction, much more condensed than the average short story.

Contests are held for stories with as little as two words.

A well-known two-word story: Jesus wept.


Many contests have asked for submissions for four-or five-word stories. Each has a subject, an object, a verb and maybe one description or refining notion.


My favorites (authors unknown) include

a sad story:

We all die someday.



a horror story:

Just saw my reflection blink.



There's not much that compare with the feeling you have when seeing your words in print

or hearing a recording of a poem you've written, 

or watching the characters you've created on paper come alive on stage.


That's magic.



"Writing is the only thing, that, when I do it,

I don't feel I should be doing something else." -  Gloria Steinem

Stories that are not included in Mixed Shorts

but can be read here:

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