Judy's Jermyn
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Welcome to the website for Judy Kiehart, Writer
circa: 1970
The Complete Story
When I was little,
Mom told me “Stop making things up.”
I didn’t listen.

I cannot remember a time when there wasn’t a story
rambling around in my head.
I’d scribble an idea into a notebook, a diary, or onto loose-leaf paper.
For a long time, the ideas remained scribbles.
As the years passed, some of the ideas were crafted into .
Some of the short stories were adapted for
Now, the scribbles are memory triggers for an ambitious journey: a memoir.
is inspired by the people
who forever call Jermyn's Lane, home.
To see what's planned for Judy's collection
of short stories and one-act plays
Click SSIA image for more info!
Spotlight Moments: